Zesty Green Vitality Elixir


This invigorating elixir is packed with antioxidants and nutrients to boost your immune system, detoxify your body, and keep your energy levels steady throughout the day. A perfect health tonic for your morning routine!

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Nutritional information for one person

Analyzed by artificial intelligence

Name amount RDA
Carbohydrates 24g 8%
Fat 2g 3%
Calories 140 7%
Protein 3g 6%
Energy 584kJ 7%
Sodium 50mg 2%
Carbs 24g 8%
Iron 1.5mg 8%
Vitamin D 0µg 0%
Manganese 0.6mg 30%
Sugars 15g 30%
# Name quantity image
1 Kale leaves 6
2 Lemon juice 1
3 Ginger root (grated) 2
4 Green apple 1
5 Water 250
6 Chia seeds 10
7 Honey (optional) 5
# Steps
1 Wash the kale leaves thoroughly and pat them dry.
2 Core and cut the green apple into smaller pieces.
3 Add the kale, green apple, lemon juice, grated ginger, and water into a blender.
4 Blend until smooth, adding more water if needed to reach your desired consistency.
5 Stir in chia seeds and let them soak for about 2 minutes before serving.
6 Pour the elixir into glasses and drizzle with honey if desired. Enjoy this refreshing drink first thing in the morning!